Think, Feel, Speak, Write, Do...
"A guide to fulfilling your divine purpose in life."


"Now that you know…"

So, what now? How do we move from where we are to the place that will enable us to better fulfill our divine purpose in life?

Examine yourself
A good place to start is with yourself. Examine yourself first. Ask yourself, "Why do I want to fulfill my true purpose in life? Is the way I'm living making a difference in the world around me? Am I being who I am created to be? If not, why not? Am I seeking purpose to gain more for me? Am I seeking purpose to satisfy the need within myself or the need in others? Do I want a better job, business or career? Do I want more money or recognition? Do I care that others are smiling, comforted, or better off for having me cross their path?"

Now, ask yourself these questions: "How will I be remembered by others after I transition from this physical realm? Will I be remembered as one who only did what was convenient, comfortable, profitable, or affordable? Will anyone remember when I gave of myself to meet the physical, emotional or spiritual need of another?"

Is fulfilling your purpose in life on hold while you ponder all the things you would, could or should do if only you had the opportunity? Is fulfilling your purpose next in line after all the things you want to experience, complete or gain in life have been first realized?

Many individuals, like you, have "died with the music still in them." Burial grounds are filled with the bones of those with delayed intentions, unfulfilled dreams, and misappropriated greatness. What about you?


An Inside Look...

This book is dedicated to all those
I have met on this journey,
some who have tremendously cared for me,
others who have seriously challenged me,
and even for those who sought to do me harm.

Without each person I have met
and experience I have had,
I would have never paused
to express extreme gratitude,
explore the depths of forgiveness,
nor learn to patiently wait and trust in Him
whom I call Father,
the Creator of the Universe
and the Source of Life for all.

-R. Lee